ROM – Wiki / FAQ


  • Route of the month

    Our Route of the month starts every 15th of the month at 16z (at the latest) and will end on the 14th of the following month at 20z (latest arrival).

    The rules:
    –  You can use every scheduled (no charter !) flight for our Route of the month.
    –  You can fly our Route of the month in both direction.
    –  There will be one short or medium route and one longhaul route for every month.
    –  For every flight we´ll give double hours. So you can do as many flights of our ROM as you like.
    –  Double hours will be given in transfer hours.
    –  Please comment your PIREP (before sending it) with: Route of the month or ROM, otherwise you won´t get the double hours.
    –  For manual Pireps double hours can only be given, if a complete log or a Vatsim/IVAO/Volanta link of the flight can be provided.
    –  If there is not already a scheduled flight in our database we´ll schedule ROM flights for you to use.
    –  All flights (except flights with ROM flight numbers) can also be operated as Adv. Ops. flights. The pilot needs to comment the Pirep in accordance with our Adv. Ops. Regulations.
    –  Useable aircrafts for EDDF-LTFM-EDDF A321/A321F or equal and for LSZH-KSFO-LSZH B777 or equal.
    –  Please check here for any substitution:  https://wiki.dlhvirtual.de/operation/allowed-equal-aircrafts/