Transfer flight hours from other VA´s or online networks – Wiki / FAQ

Transfer flight hours from other VA´s or online networks

Yes, it’s possibe. We give a maximum of 250 transfer hours.


To request transfer hours from other VA´s or Online networks like VATSIM, IVAO, Volanta and so on please open a helpdesk ticket here: DLH Helpdesk

  • For transfer hours from your Volanta account your Volanta user name must be stored in your DLH pilot profile
  • For transfer hours from online networks please note that we can only consider active Vatsim / IVAO-Accounts.


When transferring hours from an online network or from Volanta, the hours that have already been flown with us will be deducted from the total number of hours to be transferred if the hours on the online network/Volanta are less than the sum of the hours flown with us plus 250. This is to prevent hours flown with us from being counted twice afterwards.